Monday, January 15, 2018

WikiLeaks whistleblower Chelsea Manning to run for US Senate from Maryland

Chelsea Manning intends to run for the U.S. Senate in Maryland, returning the transgender former soldier to the spotlight after her conviction for leaking classified documents and her early release from military prison.
Manning, 30, filed her statement of candidacy with the Federal Election Commission on Thursday, listing an apartment in North Bethesda as her address.
She is running as a Democrat and will likely challenge two-term Sen. Ben Cardin in the primary. The state’s senior senator is an overwhelming favorite to win.
Known as Bradley Manning at the time of her 2010 arrest, the former Army intelligence analyst was convicted of leaking more than 700,000 military and State Department documents to the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks. She’s been hailed as a traitor as well as a courageous hero.
Manning came out as transgender after being sentenced to 35 years in prison. President Barack Obama granted Manning clemency before leaving office last year.
The conservative media organization Red Maryland first reported Manning’s intention to run.
The Associated Press was unsuccessful in reaching Manning for comment. She told The Washington Post on Saturday that she might release more information in the coming days.
Cardin spokeswoman Sue Walitsky did not directly address Manning’s candidacy or anyone else’s. But she told The AP that “Cardin is looking forward to a vigorous debate of the issues and a robust conversation with Maryland voters.”
Manning would not be the first transgender candidate to challenge a sitting member of Congress.
Kristin Beck, a retired Navy SEAL who is transgender, failed to unseat U.S. Rep. Steny Hoyer in Maryland’s Democratic Primary in 2016. Beck got 12 percent of the vote.
“It was too much for me to run for Congress,” Beck said in a phone interview Saturday. “I should have run for something lower (state or local office). She might as well be running for president.”
Beck said Manning is pulling a “publicity stunt.”
“I totally, 100 percent disagree with everything she did,” Beck said. “She’s just grabbing headlines. I know what that feels like. I’ve been in the headlines. You get a sense that you’re worthy and doing something that counts. And when you lose that, you try to do something to grab a headline.”
Manning had said she wanted to expose what she considered to be the U.S. military’s disregard of the effects of war on civilians and she released information that she didn’t believe would harm the U.S.
Obama’s decision to commute Manning’s sentence to about seven years drew strong criticism from members of Congress and others, with Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan calling the move “just outrageous.”
When Manning was released from Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, in May, she told The AP in an email that she was eager to define her future — but made no mention of politics.
“I’m figuring things out right now — which is exciting, awkward, fun, and all new for me,” Manning wrote.
The Oklahoma native had planned to move to Maryland, where she has an aunt. She has been registered to vote at the apartment in North Bethesda since mid-August, according to the Maryland State Board of Elections.
Her recent move would not affect a Senate bid. To run for that office, a person must be at least 30 years old, a U.S. citizen for nine years and an inhabitant of the state at election time, according to the Maryland State Board of Elections. A felony conviction does not appear to preclude a run.
Manning is yet to file for the primary with the state elections board, which she must do in person by Feb. 27, according to the board’s website.
Cardin is also yet to file. But campaign finance reports show that his organization had nearly $2 million cash on hand in late September.

I am ready to quit if my successor were decided: PM Deuba

Prime Minister (PM) Sher Bahadur Deuba on Sunday has said he is ready to quit the government if his successor were decided.
Inaugurating Makar Mela, a fair to mark Makar Sankranti, in Godavari of Kailali, PM Deuba pointed that no single party has won the majority in the parliament and argued that he cannot leave the government as the two parties in the left alliance have yet to unanimously decide who the next PM will be.
He claimed he has been remaining in the government as quitting it now will create constitutional vacuum. “The House of Representatives (HoR) has yet to be completed on one hand while who the next PM will be has also not been decided. Who should I leave it to?” he questioned.
He argued that to accuse him of not leaving the government is wrong.
He is scheduled to return to Kathmandu Sunday itself.

EC should be vested with authority to announce election date: CEC Yadav

Chief Election Commissioner Ayodhi Prasad Yadav has said that authority should be given to the Election Commission to announce the election date.
Inaugurating the newly constructed building of Regional Election Office at Biratnagar Monday, Yadav expressed the view that such acts would make the EC powerful and it would help to hold the election in an easy and smooth manner.
He said that the EC would be compelled to forward its activities without hampering National Assembly election process scheduled for February 7 if provincial chiefs are not appointed until January 21.
Yadav urged the government to appoint provincial chiefs soon as legal complexities related to elections have been surfaced due to delay in appointment of provincial chiefs.
Urging not to doubt on EC’s activities as it has been carrying out activities as per the constitution, he said that the EC should be allowed to carry out works unhindered as it is an independent body.
CEC Yadav said that support of all was indispensable to hold National Assembly election as the EC has forwarded election-related process for the same, saying House of Representatives is incomplete until the National Assembly election.
The three-story building has 12 rooms along with a seminar hall and was constructed at a cost of Rs 14.5 million, said Chief of Regional Election Office, Biratnagar, Prem Prasad Sanjel.

Rizal, Nembang get estranged Deuba and Oli talking

CPN-UML leader Subas Nembang’s cellphone rang when he was at UML Chairman KP Oli’s residence in Balkot on January 10.
Nepali Congress (NC) leader Minendra Rizal had made the call after reaching Prime Minister (PM) Sher Bahadur Deuba’s official residence in Baluwatar to make that call. UML Chairman Oli was on the sofa by Nembang’s side while CPN (Maoist Center) Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal was sitting on the opposite side.
Nembang handed over his phone to Oli after exchanging pleasantries with Rizal while Rizal also handed his over to Deuba. Deuba asked about the health of Oli who was flying to Bangkok, Thailand for health checkup later that day.
Bitterness between Deuba and Oli has increased after the election. Oli has been accusing Deuba of sticking to the PM post despite the left alliance emerging victorious. Deuba, on the other hand, has been telling his close circle that Oli has grown arrogant after the election.
Nembang and Rizal have tried to normalize the icy relation between the PM and the PM in waiting. They had met in a party in the evening a day earlier. Nembang had confided with Rizal during the interaction that bitterness between the political leadership is not desirable.
“It is our country. The provinces are ours. There will be dispute later if we announce temporary provincial capitals now,” Rizal recalled telling Nembang that evening. Rizal complained that UML has refused to cooperate on the issue of appointment of provincial chiefs and selection of provincial capitals, and added “It would be better if we can make the two leaders talk.”
Nembang had pointed that the two parties can even reach agreement on appointment of provincial chiefs and selection of provincial capitals. The leaders agreed to get the two top leaders to talk due to that possibility.
Rizal proposed that respected persons should be appointed as provincial chiefs in political consensus to ensure that the next government does not immediately fire those appointed now and dignity of the post is maintained.
Deuba wanted to appoint provincial chiefs before Oli left for Bangkok that day. He proposed that NC and UML should get to appoint chiefs in two provinces each, and the other three national parties in one each.
UML has been saying that appointment of provincial chiefs is prerogative of the government and it should not ask UML about that clearly hinting the new government will not continue that. UML also seemingly has brought Maoist Center on its side on the issue.
“Do delegate the authority for provincial chiefs to someone even if you are going to Bangkok for treatment,” Deuba had told Oli over the phone, according to Rizal.
Oli told bluntly that the issue of appointment of provincial chiefs is not related to UML and asked Deuba to pave the way for forming the next government, according to Nembang who was near Oli during the conversation.
“The two talked over the phone but Oli did not try for consensus. PM said he will wait for Oli if Oli were to return on Monday (January 15),” Rizal, who was near Deuba during the phone conversation, said.
Deuba is seeking go ahead from UML on appointment of provincial chiefs, according to Rizal while Oli does not seem to be in mood for that. “PM asked for go-ahead from UML. Chairman Oli asked Deuba why he  needs consensus now when he did not need it at the time of preparing the ordinance for National Assembly election,” Nembang stated.
Maoist Center Chairman Dahal could also overhear the conversation between Oli and Deuba. “Dahal nodded his head in support of Oli’s remarks,” Nembang said.
Rizal said Deuba will now take decision on provincial chiefs only after Oli returns on January 16. Deuba is wary whether Maoist Center will come to agreement after quitting the government.
Finance Minister Gyanendra Karki said Deuba during the Cabinet meeting on Friday also stated that provincial chiefs will be appointed only after talking with other political parties.
Deuba said provincial chiefs will be appointed only after January 17 even while addressing the public in a program in Dhangadi on Sunday.

SC stops former lawmakers from spending budget worth almost Rs 10b

The Supreme Court (SC) has prohibited the former lawmakers from spending the budget under the Electoral Constituency Special Infrastructure Program and Electoral Constituency Development Program.
A joint bench of justices Ishwar Khatiwada and Sahrada Prasad Ghimire hearing the petition filed by newly elected lawmaker from Kailali-2 Jhapat Bahadur Rawal have has issued an interim order on Sunday to that regard.
The Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development on December 31 had authorized the former lawmakers to select projects and spend budget. Lawmaker Rawal had moved the Apex Court against the minister-level decision.
“They have become common citizens after the fresh mandate. All 28 million Nepalis should get budget if these common citizens were allowed to spend the budget,” Rawal said after the interim order. “The number of constituencies has also been reduced now to 165 from 240,” he added. I moved the court to stop such extravagance.
The budget allows spending of Rs 30 million in each constituency on recommendation of the lawmaker from the constituency under the Electoral Constituency Special Infrastructure Program. The lawmakers from the previous parliament in this would have got to spend almost Rs 10 billion.

I’m not a racist: Trump claims following criticism of ‘shithole’ remark

President Donald Trump, on the defensive in the wake of recent disparaging comments about Haiti and African nations that have revived questions about whether the leader of the world’s melting pot is a racist, declared Sunday that he is not one.
“No, No. I’m not a racist,” Trump told reporters who asked for his response to those who think he is a racist. “I am the least racist person you have ever interviewed. That I can tell you.”
Trump also denied making the statements attributed to him, but avoided delving into the specifics of what he did or did not say.
“Did you see what various senators in the room said about my comments?” he asked, referring to lawmakers who were meeting with him in the Oval Office on Thursday when Trump is said to have made the comments. “They weren’t made.”
Trump stands accused of using “shithole” to describe African countries during an immigration meeting with a bipartisan group of six senators. The president, in the meeting, also questioned the need to admit more Haitians to the U.S., according to people who were briefed on the conversation but were not authorized to describe the meeting publicly.
Trump said in the meeting that he would prefer immigrants from countries like Norway instead.
The White House has not denied that Trump said “shithole” though Trump has already pushed back on some depictions of the meeting.
A confidant of Trump’s told The Associated Press that the president spent Thursday evening calling friends and outside advisers to judge their reaction to his remarks. Trump wasn’t apologetic and denied he was racist, instead blaming the media for distorting his meaning, said the confidant, who wasn’t authorized to disclose a private conversation and spoke on condition of anonymity.
Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, the only Democrat at Thursday’s meeting, said Trump had indeed said what he was reported to have said. Durbin said the remarks were “vile, hate-filled and clearly racial in their content.” He said Trump used the most vulgar term “more than once.”
Trump commented as Durbin was presenting details of a compromise immigration plan that included providing $1.6 billion for a first installment of the president’s long-sought border wall.
Trump took particular issue with the idea that people who’d fled to the U.S. after disasters hit their homes in places such as El Salvador, Guatemala and Haiti would be allowed to stay as part of the deal, according to the people, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to publicly describe the discussion.
When it came to talk of extending protections for Haitians, Durbin said Trump replied, “We don’t need more Haitians.’”
“He said, ‘Put me down for wanting more Europeans to come to this country. Why don’t we get more people from Norway?’” Durbin said.
Republican Sens. David Perdue of Georgia and Tom Cotton of Arkansas, who also attended the meeting, initially said in a statement Friday that they “do not recall the president saying these comments specifically.“On Sunday, they backtracked and challenged other senators’ descriptions of the remarks.
Perdue described as a “gross misrepresentation” reports that Trump used the vulgarity. He said Durbin and Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina were mistaken in indicating that was the case. Graham also attended the meeting.

“I am telling you that he did not use that word. And I’m telling you it’s a gross misrepresentation,” Perdue said on ABC’s “This Week.”
Cotton told CBS’ “Face the Nation” that he “didn’t hear” the word used — “and I was sitting no further away from Donald Trump than Dick Durbin was.”
Trump insisted in a tweet on Friday that he “never said anything derogatory about Haitians other than Haiti is, obviously, a very poor and troubled country. Never said ‘take them out.’ Made up by Dems.” Trump wrote, “I have a wonderful relationship with Haitians. Probably should record future meetings – unfortunately, no trust!”
Word of Trump’s comments threatened to upend delicate negotiations over resolving the status of hundreds of thousands of immigrants who were brought to the country illegally as children. Trump announced last year that he will end the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, unless lawmakers come up with a solution by March. The program shielded these immigrants, often referred to as “Dreamers,” from deportation and granted them work permits.
Trump tweeted earlier Sunday that the program is “probably dead” and blamed Democrats. He elaborated on the way to dinner with House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., saying Democrats “don’t want to help the DACA people.”
Some Democrats have threatened to vote against legislation to extend government funding, which expires on Friday, unless protections for the Dreamers are included.
“Honestly I don’t think the Democrats want to make a deal,” Trump said. “I think they talk about DACA, but they don’t want to help the DACA people.”
Trump said Democrats aren’t in favor of securing the border or stopping the flow of drugs, but are for taking money away from the military.
“We have a lot of sticking points but they’re all Democrat sticking points. We are ready, willing and able to make a deal, but they don’t want to.”

Post scribe Kaini beaten in Gorkha

Jan 15, 2018-Gorkha district correspondent of The Kathmandu Post, Sudip Kaini has been beaten up at Anbu Khaireni in the district on Monday.
A gang intercepted him at Anbu Khaireni while he was on his way to Marshyangdi River to cover the news of illegal sand mining, and roughed him up. He has sustained injuries in his neck. The goons also destroyed his cell phone and camera. It is learnt the attackers first deleted the photos captured by him and later smashed it.
Kaini had received inputs about the extraction of sand without tender at Marshyangdi River banks. The river borders Gorkha and Tanahu districts.
Talking over phone, Kaini said: “I am okay but my camera has been ruined. I ran to police for my protection. I came to Gorkha police station after Tanahu police station did not pay much attention to my plight.”
Police said that they have indentified the attackers and looking for them.

Maghi observed in Tudikhel (in photos)

Jan 15, 2018-Photos by Prakash Chandra Timilsena
People from Tharu community thronged at Tudikhel, Kathmandu, on Monday to mark their annual festival Maghi. Marked as the beginning of New Year, Maghi is the biggest festival of Tharu community.
Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba marked his presence as a chief guest in the programme that saw various Tharu cultural shows.

No turning back from unification process: Dahal

Jan 15, 2018-CPN (Maoist Centre) Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal has said that there is no turning back from unification process with CNP-UML.
Dahal said that forming a single communist centre in the country is his long-ago dream and even UML Chairman KP Oli is strongly in favour of the unification.
“I had a wish to form a single communist centre and bring prosperity to the country. Now this dream will materialise,” said Dahal while inaugurating Tarebhir Festival in Gokarneshwor Municipality today, “Both of us won’t backtrack from unification process at any cost.”
He mentioned that his party and UML had contested in federal parliament and provincial assembly elections with a joint manifesto and resultantly garnered nearly two-third majority. This shows that public have approved the unification of communist forces and this task will be taken to a logical conclusion very soon, said Dahal.

Prez Bhandari organises tea reception on Maghi

Jan 15, 2018-The Office of the President on Monday organised a tea reception programme on the occasion of Makar Sankranti also known as Maghi. 
President Bidya Devi Bhandari had wished for peace, prosperity, good health and happiness to all Nepali sisters and brothers at home and abroad on the occasion of the Makar Sankranti and the Maghi festival. 
Present on the occasion were Vice-President Nanda Bahadur Pun, Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba, Chief Justice Gopal Prasad Parajuli, Deputy Prime Ministers, former Vice President, former Prime Ministers, former Chairman of the Interim Council of Ministers, Ministers, different political parties' leaders, members of federal and provincial parliaments, chiefs of security bodies, among others. 
The Tharu community marks the day as the New Year and day of freedom as well. 
The Makar Sankranti is a cultural and religious festival day in the lunar calendar in reference to deity Surya (Sun) marking the first day of its transit into Makar Rashi (Capricorn) that starts of longer days. 
The Hindu devotees throng Devghat, Kaligandaki, Bagmati, Indrawati, Triveni, Ridi, Betrawati among other places for holy bath today.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

MMC enter semi-finals

Jan 13, 2018-Manang Marshyangdi Club (MMC) cruised into the semi-finals of the Khaptad Gold Cup football tournament with a 4-0 rout of Rupandehi XI on Friday.
Victor Amobi, Bishal Rai and  Bimal Rana scored for MMC while Rupandehi’s Chhiring Gurung conceded the another. MMC will take on Tribhuvan Army Club in the first semi-finals on Saturday, while the another semi-finals pits Nepal Armed Police Force Club against Far-west XI on Sunday.
Amobi put MMC ahead in the 20th minute but it took another 35 minutes for them to add to their tally, even that courtesy an own goal. Gurung inadvertently guided the ball into his own post in an attempt to foil the MMC attack.
Rai then ended any remaining hopes of Rupandehi’s comeback when he struck the third goal seven minute before time. Rana completed an emphatic MMC victory scoring the fourth goal a minute later. Amobi was declared man-of-the-match and was rewarded with Rs 10,000.
MMC coach Hemanta Ale credited the victory to the team coordination. “We did right in every aspect and scored goals at will while also keeping the opponents at bay,” said Ale adding that the semi-final match against the departmental team would be a competitive affair. “Having played on numerous occasions during the top-flight league in the past, we know each other very well but still we have an upper hand and hope we will win on Saturday.”
Rupandehi coach Dilip Chhetri blamed his team’s blunders for the big-margin defeat. “After conceding an early goal, we went for goals in the second half and exposed ourselves allowing them (MMC) to score more goals,” said Chhetri, who was also not happy with his team’s coordination.

Dr KC ends hunger strike following 5-point deal with govt

Jan 13, 2018-Orthopedic surgeon Dr Govinda KC has ended his hunger strike on Saturday. He ceased his 14th hunger strike on the sixth day following an agreement reached with Health Minister Deepak Bohara on Friday night.
Dr KC ended his fast-unto-death by drinking a juice offered by a Navuniya Mechi of Siraha at the Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital in the Capital this morning. Mechi works as a cobbler outside TUTH premises.
ALSO READ: I assure that the court will be made justice imparting body: Dr KC
A government team comprising of Health Minister Bohara had penned a five-point deal to address Dr KC’s demands. The issues addressed are:
  • Form a committee within seven days to give a full shape to Medical Education Commission
  • Continue the tenure of Dr Jagdish Prasad Agrawal as the Dean of Institute of Medicine (IoM)
  • Call a Tribhuvan University senate meeting to take necessary steps to return the rights and power of IoM
  • Pass necessary budget for reform plans of Teaching Hospital such as infrastructure development, human resource management, public service
  • Dr KC to end his hunger strike
    National Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Swornim Wagle and former Deputy-chair Govinda Pokhrel had accompanied Minister Bohara in the meeting with Dr KC on Friday night.
    Dr KC began his hunger strike on January 8 seeking resignation of Chief Justice Gopal Prasad Parajuli. Dr KC was anguished by Parajuli’s decision to reinstate Dr Shashi Sharma as the Dean of Institute of Medicine (IoM). After making provocative statement against the appointment, the Supreme Court had ordered the arrest of the doctor on the same night on contempt of court case. Dr KC was released on January 10 following huge public backlash against the arrest. His next court hearing is on February 20.
    The anti-corruption crusador has staged fourteen hunger strikes seeking reforms in the country's health education and medical sector.

    I assure that the court will be made justice imparting body: Dr KC

    Jan 13, 2018-Dr Govinda KC has said that he will make the Nepali judiciary a justice imparting body rather than a ‘justice selling’ body. He said so during a press conference organised to announce the end of his hunger strike at Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital on Saturday.
    Talking to mediapersons, the anti-corruption crusader demanded the resignation of Chief Justice Gopal Prasad Parajuli and warned that he will start yet another fast-unto-death if Parajuli doesn’t resign. Dr KC has leveled accusations against CJ Parajuli regarding the authenticity of his citizenship and School Leaving Certificate.
    Dr KC started 14th hunger strike on January 8 after CJ Parajuli reinstated the sacked Institute of Medicine (IoM) Dean Dr Shashi Sharma to the post. Anguished by Parajuli’s decision, Dr KC had made provocative statement against the CJ which caused his arrest on contempt of court charge. He was later released without bail on January 10 after a huge public outcry. 
    ALSO READ: Dr KC ends hunger strike following 5-point deal with govt
    Dr KC said that CJ Parajuli’s remarks that he has submitted his documents [citizenship and SLC certificate] to the Parliamentary Hearing Committee and that he doesn’t need to present them elsewhere, is a contempt of court and he should face action for it. According to KC, CJ Parajuli made such statement during the inauguration of Rukumkot District Court on Friday.
    “Chief Justice making such remark at a time when the independent bench of the Supreme Court has stated that it would enquire with the District Administration Office regarding the controversy over Chief Justice Gopal Parajuli’s citizenship and consult with judicial council regarding his certificates is a contempt of court,” said Dr KC during the press conference, adding that he will launch another hunger strike if CJ Parajuli doesn’t comply with the court decision.

    Bidding winter farewell with Chaku

    Jan 13, 2018-As Ghyaa Chaku Saanhoo, or Maghe Sankranti, approaches, Buddha Shrestha is busier than ever preparing Chaku for sale. Shrestha learned the art of Chaku making from his grandfather, who started the family business a century ago. Chaku making is not just a profitable work, but also Shrestha’s first love—he uses the recipe that was handed down to him by his grandfather, and oversees every single aspect of the production.  
    The necessary ingredients––jaggery, peanuts, and dry coconut—is bought from select places in Bhaktapur. To create the perfect Chaku, the jaggery is first melted in big pots, and a little bit of water is added during the process to get the desired consistency. The mixture is continually stirred, and the temperature is maintained at 130 degree Celsius. Once all the jaggery has melted, it is poured in clay pots for cooling until the temperature is down to 100 degree Celsius. The final product is then whipped, slapped, and stretched until its colour turns dark brown—the hue that has become synonymous with this sweet delight. Once perfected, the Chaku is then weighed and various kinds of nuts are added as toppings, before it is packaged and shipped to the market. Inside the damp premises of the factory, the process of making Chaku takes about two to three hours. 
    Eating Chaku generates extra heat in the body and the tradition of eating Chaku is a way of bidding goodbye to the frigid winter days. Today, eating Chaku is not just a nod to olden ways, but is also associated with several health benefits. “And unlike the chocolate, Chaku does not affect our health or our dental hygiene,” Shrestha says, “it is also considered to be good for pregnant women.” No wonder Shrestha’s company Shree Kashila Chaku Productions Pvt Ltd, located in Tokha, produces around 60,000 kilograms of Chaku to be consumed during the winter season. And all of it, according to Shrestha, is made with love, passion, and most importantly a tinge of nostalgia. 

    Mahindra Mojo launched in Pokhara

    Jan 13, 2018-Agni MotoInc, a subsidiary of Agni Group and the sole authorised distributor of Mahindra Two Wheelers, launched their flagship motorcycle, Mojo in Pokhara. The company has planned to launch its product successively in Narayanghat, Butwal, Bhairahwa and Birtamod. Mahindra Mojo comes with a-state-of-the-art engine with DOHC (Double Over Head Camshaft), low friction piston and rings, advanced EFI (Electronic Fuel Ignition), iridium spark plug, resonator fitted intake system and twin exhausts. It uses a twin tube frame with high rigidity, inverted front forks with rigid triple clamp mounting and high-pressure gas charged offset rear mono-shock, largest 320mm radially mounted front disc brakes and Pirelli Diablo Rosso II tyres. The two-wheeler is powered by a 300cc liquid cooled, EFI single-cylinder engine, which produces max power of 27bhp and peak torque of 30Nm.It comes with a 21 litre fuel tank capacity, reads a press statement. 

    Death toll from freezing cold reaches 4 in Dhanusha

    Jan 13, 2018-A woman, who sustained critical injuries after being burnt while sitting around the fire to keep herself warm on Thursday night, breathed her last during the course of treatment at the Janakpur Zonal Hospital on Saturday morning, taking the number of deaths due to freezing cold in Dhanusha district to four.
    The deceased has been identified as Sujana Mahara, 23, of Hansapur Municipality-8, informed Mayor Ramgyan Mandal.
    Similarly, Man Toriya Sah, 60, of Kamala Municipality-3, who was taken till due to biting cold, is under medication.
    With the mercury plummeting, life in the district has been affected largely.
    Meanwhile, the Janakpur Airport has remained out of operation for the past five days due to bad weather, police said.

    24-hour traffic in Narayangad-Munglin section opens for 4 days

    Jan 13, 2018-Traffic movement along the Narayangad-Munglin road section will remain open for 24 hours from Saturday for four days for the Maghe Sakranti festival.
    The road section was closed from 10 pm to 4 am from January 2 to speed up the construction works. The road section will now remain open for 24 hours until January 16.
    Large number of people visiting Devghat travel through the road section during the festival currently going through widening and upgradation works. Only 71 percent of the works have been completed yet.

    UML leader Nembang blames govt of trying to defer NA election

    Jan 13, 2018-CPN-UML leader Subas Chandra Nembang has alleged the government of trying to postpone the election of the National Assembly, the Upper House of parliament.
    Speaking in a programme organised by the Dolakha-Kathmandu Liaison Forum here Saturday to congratulate and extend best wishes to the lawmakers elected to the House of Representatives and the State Assembly, he said the government's not appointing the province chiefs and the temporary headquarters of the provinces has raised doubts whether it was trying to defer the National Assembly election.
    "The government is trying to postpone the election in a conspiratorial manner. If not, then it should assign the province chiefs and the temporary capitals," he said, adding that the government was tempted to extend its term by not holding the National Assembly election on time.
    The former Parliament Speaker stated that the incumbent government was not paving the way for the formation of a new government even through the leftist alliance has garnered majority votes in the election.
    On the topic of the unification of the UML and the CPN (Maoist Centre), Nembang said the two parties have become one in practice and the unification was left only in the ideological realm.
    He said the unification of the two parties would be given a concrete shape after party chairperson KP Sharma Oli returned home from Bangkok where he has gone for undergoing a regular health check-up.
    Leader Nembang said that there is no alternative other than taking the country ahead on the path towards economic prosperity as the electoral contest among the political parties was already over now.
    On the occasion, House of Representatives member elected from Dolakha, Parbat Gurung and the Province Assembly members Pashupati Chaulagain and Bishal Khadka bowed to work wholeheartedly for the development of the Dolakha district.

    Grade 11 results published in grading system

    Jan 13, 2018-National Examination Board has published the results of Grade 11 on Saturday. The results of all faculties have been published in the grading system for the first time.
    Exam Controller Damber Batas informed 347,748 students had appeared in the examination seven months ago. The board has graded results in nine category. Batas said the board has only assigned grades and not overall GPA to different subjects. Students can only know the grade they received in their subject.
    Students scoring between 90 to 100 will be given A+ while A to students scoring between 80 to 89. Similarly, B+ to those scoring between 70 to 79, B to scores between 60 and 69, C+ to scores between 50 and 59, and C to scores between 40 and 49. Grade D+ will be given to scores in between 30 to 39 while D to those between 20 to 29. Students scoring between 0 to 19 will be given E grade.
    Batas said students scoring grade D+ or grades below D+ can appear in another exam on February 10 to increase their grades.

    Monday, January 8, 2018

    Ex-king Shah meets Uttar Pradesh CM Adityanath in Lucknow

    Jan 8, 2018-Former king Gyanendra Shah on Monday met with the Chief Minister (CM) of the State of Uttar Pradesh (UP), India.
    Shah, along with his spouse Komal Shah, daughter Prerana, sister Shova Shahi and brother-in-law Mohan Shahi had arrived at Lucknow city in the Indian state after attending a inauguration programme of newly opened Soaltee Hotel in Nepalgunj.
    The UP Chief Minister tweeted photographs of the meeting with the former king, however, particulars of their conversation were not mentioned. “Met with former king of Nepal Gyanendra Bir Bikram Shah at Lucknow-based governmental residence today. Presented him a shawl and the logo of Kumbh as a token,” read the UP Chief Minister’s tweet.

    Saturday, January 6, 2018

    3 more die of viral fever in Jajarkot, toll reaches 9

    Jan 6, 2018-The death toll caused by viral fever in Jajarkot district has reached nine in the past two weeks following death of three more persons.
    Auxiliary health worker Hari Bahadur Singh informed the fever has claimed lives of four elderly and five children. The viral fever has taken its toll in the district, with around 2,000 people taken ill in the past few days.
    Singh, also the in-Charge at Badkule-based health post, said people above 60 years and children are the most affected by the fever. He said the number of people suffering from the viral fever will increase if it is not controlled in time.
    Fever, joint pain and vomiting are symptoms of the viral disease.
    As many as 100 patients with viral fever visit the health post on a daily basis.
    The viral fever has been detected in Junichande, Kapra, Badkule, Karki Gaun, Majkot, Alimaugana, Dandakot and Parale of the district, Junichande Raural Municipality Chairman Krishna KC said.
    He informed that villagers of Majkot have been affected the most due to the fever.
    KC said that 3-4 members of a single family are suffering from the fever in Majkot.
    District Health Office Chief Ram Bahadur Nepal said that a team of health workers under Krishna Khatri, focal person at Jajarkot District Public Health Office, has been deputed to Junichande to control the epidemic.

    Wednesday, January 3, 2018

    Bandh enforcers vandalise vehicles in Dhankuta

    Jan 3, 2018-Normal life in Dhankuta has been affected due to the ongoing general strike.
      Dhankuta folks have been staging demonstrations for the past few weeks demanding that Dhankuta be declared the capital of Province-1. They have obstructed the Dharan-Dhankuta road section along the Koshi Highway since this morning.
    The bandh enforcers vandalised four vehicles for defying the bandh, police said.
    A large number of security personnel have been deployed in the incident site.
    Meanwhile, police have arrested a man for his alleged involvement in vandalising the vehicles.
    The arrestee has been identified as Suman Katuwal of Sankhuwasabha.
    Though the agitating side had decided to withdraw the bandh from 5 pm today, the area has turned into a battle ground after police arrested one of the protesters.
    The bandh enforcers said that they would withdraw the bandh only after the police release Katuwal from the custody.
    The local administration, however, said that the bandh enforcers should pay the compensation for the vehicles vandalised.
    According to Sundar Babu Shrestha, Coordinator of Protest Mobilisation Committee, they were forced to continue the protest after the government turned blind eye to their demand.

    January 3 coldest day of this winter, says meteorologist

    Jan 3, 2018-January 3 has been recorded the coldest day of this winter season so far, says the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology.
    The mercury in Kathmandu Valley plummeted to 2.2 Degree Celsius on Wednesday, shared meteorologist Barun Poudel.
    Earlier, the temperature had gone down to the lowest 2.8 Degree Celsius on December 16 last year. The temperature of Jiri, Jomsom and Jumla dropped to minus today. Jumla recorded minus 6.4, Jomsom minus 2.2 and Jiri minus 2, Poudel said.
    Almost all regions of the Tarai saw foggy weather today. Tarai has witnessed decline in the maximum temperature while hill and mountainous regions have recorded decline in minimum temperature. RSS

    EC dissatisfied over false accusations

    Jan 3, 2018-The Election Commission (EC) has expressed displeasure over accusations from several corners that the election body is delaying to announce the election elections.
    Saying that there is constitutional and legal hurdle to announce the results of PR system of the House of Representatives, the EC for the first time has officially urged all not the spread such news.
    The election body opened its mouth after the leaders and cadres of left alliance, precisely CPN-UML, exerted pressure over the EC to make public the results of PR system.
    Issuing a statement on Wednesday, the EC said that the results of PR system could not be made public until the conduction of National Assembly election.
    “Though the EC is trying its best to announce the results of PR system at the earliest, it fails due to some legal hurdles,” read the statement.
    The EC has not been able to send letters to the parties urging them to recommend the names of elected candidates from the closed list and to allocate seats to the parties under the PR category of the House of Representatives due to delay in holding the National Assembly election.
    The EC is stunned at the accusations made by several quarters when it has been doing its work as per constitution and law, EC Commissioner Ishwor Prasad Paudel said.
    “It was not the intention of the EC to delay the results,” he said, adding, “The provision of constitution was the stumbling block. All need to understand this.”
    The EC has drawn the attention of the government once again to announce the date of National Assembly election and to appoint province chiefs, read the statement.