Friday, December 1, 2017

Here’s What a ‘Good’ Job Looks Like in North Korea

When it comes to North Korea, there are a few things we know for sure: Health issues are rampant, censorship is a way of life, and leader Kim Jong Un has expensive taste.
Unfortunately, there’s a lot more we don’t know about North Korea. We can only speculate on some of the off-the-books ways it makes money. We’re not entirely sure which U.S. cities it could hit with its nuclear missiles. And we only have an inkling of how a nuclear attack on U.S. soil would impact our country.
While we know a little bit about Kim Jong Un, we know next to nothing about the day-to-day lives of typical North Koreans. What jobs do they have? How much do they make? What do they spend their money on? We know Kim Jong Un may live a life of luxury, but most North Koreans struggle just to get by.

1. How did we get here?

Kim Il-Sung Square, Pyongyang North Korea
This Kim family has all the power. | alexkuehni/iStock/Getty Images
First, a little basic background for the uninitiated. Early in the 20th century, Japan ruled the Korean peninsula. After World War Two, the peninsula was divided with South Korea under the sphere of influence of the United States and North Korea influenced by Soviet and later Chinese ideals. The 38th parallel divided the two countries. The North’s attack on the South triggered the Korean War that ended with a cease-fire (rather than a treaty), which means the two countries are technically still at war. South Korea has developed into a thriving nation and economic powerhouse. North Korea, ruled by the Kim family, has endured decades of struggles.
Birbal Babu<<

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