Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Muslims dissatisfied over removal of Muslim quota in MBBS education

Dec 26, 2017-National Muslim Struggle Alliance has taken exception over the removal of Muslim quota in MBBS scholarship programme under Tribhuvan University.
The alliance representatives led by coordinator Samim Ansari submitted a memorandum in this regard to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Education Gopal Man Shrestha on Tuesday.
The alliance claimed that the Muslim community was allowed scholarship as per the scholarship regulation after the promulgation of the new constitution in 2015. “The Muslim community has been deprived of MBSS scholarship in Fiscal Year 2017-18 by ignoring the essence of constitution. It seems that the already backward Muslim community will be further marginalised in education.”
The alliance has called on the government to correct its course on MBBS scholarship and provide reservation to the Muslim community.
Education Minister Shrestha said that government will take a decision in this regard at the earliest.

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