Sunday, December 17, 2017

Cold affects life in Mahottari

Dec 17, 2017-Normal life has been greatly affected in Mahottari district for the past few days due to an excessive cold weather.

Temperatures have plummeted to around 10 degrees Celsius in the district. Marketplaces and streets wore a deserted look on Saturday as the people stayed indoors to avoid cold wind. A dense fog kept away sunshine on Saturday.

Owing to the growing chill, the number of patients suffering from cold-related diseases is on the rise. According to Rajiv Jha, chief at the District Health Office, patients of pneumonia, asthma and cold diarrhoea, among other ailments, are increasing in the district.

“Some of the children admitted to various health facilities are suffering from cold diarrhoea as well. Children and the elderly are mostly affected by cold,” said Jha, advising people to keep warm and have warm food.

He warned of deaths from hypothermia if the ailing people are not protected from the biting cold.

The weather has affected livestock and crops as well. The District Agriculture Development Office said production of vegetables like potato and tomato and cereals could be hit. Dozens of people die and crops worth millions of rupees are destroyed in

the plains every year due to cold wave.

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