Sunday, November 26, 2017

Policemen shot at in Siraha

 kathmandu:november 11/26/2017/ Sunday/ Birbal Tamang
Nov 26, 2017-Two security personnel received bullet wounds after an unidentified gang shot them during a security check in Niradnama of Siraha district on Sunday.
The injured ones include a police constable Mageram Yadav and a myadi (temporary) police Adarsha Yadav.
The assailants who were riding a motorbike shot Mageram in his abdomen and Adarsha in his loin.
District Police Office, Siraha, said they are unaware about who shot the bullets and why.
Police have intensified search for the unidentified culprits.
The injured policemen are now receiving treatment at BP Koirala Hospital, Daharan.
Meanwhile, Ministry of Home Affairs has dispatched a helicopter to the incident site to bring the injured police to Kathmandu.
Birbal babu<<

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