Thursday, November 23, 2017

What Colin Kaepernick and Thanksgiving have in common

 kathmandu:nomember 11/24/2017 friday Birbal Tamang

As Americans come together on our national holiday to give thanks and show gratitude toward one another, Thanksgiving has always been a holiday for love, reflection and community, as well as football.
The tables are set.
The turkeys are in the oven.
And Colin Kaepernick is still not signed by an NFL team.Colin Kaepernick kneels during the national anthem last season, alongside two of his teammates, Eli Harold (left) and Eric Reid (right). (Getty Images
With that in mind, we’re left wondering: What would the NFL’s Thanksgiving table be like this year?
At the table full of owners, GMs and coaches sharing turkey, stuffing and apple pie, what conversations would we overhear? The ongoing debate and controversy regarding concussions. The high-profile, season-ending injuries this year. And the collective-bargaining agreement, in which guaranteed contracts still do not exist in America’s most violent sport.
What would the NFL family be thankful for? And when someone at the table inevitably brings up kneeling during the national anthem, will anyone remember the true meaning of the holiday: to come together as family and friends, to embrace and respect our differences, as well as listen to one another with empathy and compassion? And would one person have the courage to speak up to defend all players’ right to the First Amendment, guaranteeing all Americans with the freedom of speech?
Or will everyone within the league continue to be immune to the social and civil unrest by the NFL’s lack of truth and justice?
 kathmandu :Birbal

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