Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Protesting the Republican tax bill

 Kathmandu:November/11/29/2017/ wednesday /Birbal Tamang.
Protesting the Republican tax bill
U.S. Capitol Police officers remove a protester from the Senate Budget Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2017. (Photo: Carolyn Kaster/AP)
U.S. Senate Republicans rammed forward President Donald Trump’s tax-cut bill on Tuesday in an abrupt, partisan committee vote that set up a full vote by the Senate as soon as Thursday, although some details of the measure remained unsettled.
As disabled protesters shouted: “Kill the bill, don’t kill us,” in a Capitol Hill hearing room, the Senate Budget Committee, with no discussion, quickly approved the legislation on a 12-11 party-line vote that left Democrats fuming. (Reuters)
Here’s a l
ook a tax bill protests in Washington, New York, Florida and Colorado.
Birbal Babu.

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